“In Joy” A celebration of life through music.

December 23rd, 2011

Music to me is such an amazing medium for conveying the feeling of joy and the celebration of life. It has the ability to lift the spirit, mind and body and to express the love that resides in all of our hearts. During the process of recording “In Joy” I was so fortunate to work with some amazing and talented producers and musicians who helped to bring out the best in me creatively and musically. As the project unfolded I learned that music much like life is about listening, trusting your inner guidance, playing from the heart, letting it flow and most of all to just have fun. As a result I am very grateful to be able to express this inner joy, love and celebration of life through my horn and my music and share it with you.
Music inspires me to always remember that any given moment I can be enjoying myself that is “In Joy” in myself. It is the universal language of love that can transform the way one feels in an instant. It inspires us with it’s movement, melodies, lyrics and beauty in a way that cuts through to the core of us and to our very hearts and souls. Whether you close your eyes and listen or dance to your hearts content it will still have the same effect and bring you to that place of being “In Joy”.
Yours in music,
Gordon James

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